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MIPS 汇编示例

MIPS 汇编语言的一个简单示例,计算两个数的和并打印结果:

num1: .word 5
num2: .word 10
result: .word 0
.globl main
lw $t0, num1 # Load num1 into $t0
lw $t1, num2 # Load num2 into $t1
add $t2, $t0, $t1 # Add num1 and num2, store result in $t2
sw $t2, result # Store result in memory
# Print result (this part is pseudo-code, actual printing in MIPS requires syscall)
# For simplicity, let's assume a syscall-based print mechanism is in place
# li $v0, 1 # syscall code for print_int
# lw $a0, result # load result into $a0
# syscall # print the result
# Exit the program
li $v0, 10 # syscall code for exit

RISC-V 汇编示例

RISC-V 汇编语言的一个简单示例,计算两个数的和并打印结果:

num1: .word 5
num2: .word 10
result: .word 0
.globl _start
la t0, num1 # Load address of num1 into t0
lw t1, 0(t0) # Load num1 into t1
la t0, num2 # Load address of num2 into t0
lw t2, 0(t0) # Load num2 into t2
add t3, t1, t2 # Add num1 and num2, store result in t3
la t0, result # Load address of result into t0
sw t3, 0(t0) # Store result in memory
# Exit the program (pseudo-code for simplicity)
# li a7, 93 # Exit syscall number
# ecall # Invoke syscall
# Note: Printing in RISC-V also requires syscalls, similar to MIPS

ARM 汇编示例

ARM 汇编语言的一个简单示例,计算两个数的和并打印结果(使用 GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain):

.section .data
num1: .word 5
num2: .word 10
result: .word 0
.section .text
.global _start
LDR R0, =num1 @ Load address of num1 into R0
LDR R1, [R0] @ Load num1 into R1
LDR R0, =num2 @ Load address of num2 into R0
LDR R2, [R0] @ Load num2 into R2
ADD R3, R1, R2 @ Add num1 and num2, store result in R3
LDR R0, =result @ Load address of result into R0
STR R3, [R0] @ Store result in memory
@ Exit the program (using Linux syscalls for simplicity)
MOV R7, #1 @ syscall number for exit
SWI 0 @ Invoke syscall
@ Note: Printing in ARM also requires syscalls or external library functions


  1. 打印输出:在真实环境中,打印输出通常需要使用系统调用(syscall)或外部库函数。上面的示例代码中的打印部分只是伪代码,实际使用时需要替换为具体的打印机制。

  2. 环境设置:不同的汇编器和模拟器(如SPIM for MIPS, QEMU for RISC-V, ARM GCC for ARM)有不同的使用方法,请确保你了解并正确设置了你的开发环境。

  3. 调试:使用调试工具(如gdb for MIPS/RISC-V, arm-none-eabi-gdb for ARM)可以帮助你更好地理解和调试你的汇编代码。
